What is NOAH ?
The Nordicwind Document Management System (NOAH) is a server-based documentation system that manages document revisions in a central repository.
NOAH's Web browser interface makes it easy for a user to create, update, lock, search and manage revisions of a family of documents for access by multiple users across many geographical sites.
NOAH Server is now free under a GNU General Public License! |
- Client is now GNU GPL too!
- added Debian binary releases for server and client
- now works for smartphone Android downloads
Your company benefits from NOAH with:
Improved team efficiency by ensuring all members have access to the latest document versions.
File and Directory Access Control lets you manage who has access to what documents.
Meta-Data with file-locking tell users what that document is about and who is working on it.
Efficient sharing or publishing of documents with 'elinks' (email link-generator) and zip downloads.
Automation of tedious documentation tasks with NOAH's unique 'Client Scripting' feature.
An intuitive user interface, with plenty of tooltips and on-line help. Your users will be 'NOAH experts' in minutes!